Magical Staff

Sun 15 March 2020 by Dr. Dirk Colbry

Magical Staff Drawing

My eldest is a big Harry Potter Fan and made a few drawings of a Magical Staff they wanted to construct. I was really excited by the drawing. We purchased the crystal and staff online and sat down in front of OpenSCAD and came up with a fairly close design. Here is the OpenSCAD code:

    translate([0,0,-50])  cylinder(h = 50, r =  16, center = true);
    translate([0,0,-103])  cylinder(h = 100, r = 13, center = true);
    translate([0,0,-40]) cylinder(h = 26,r1=13,r2=0, center=true);
translate([0,0,-50]) for(z=[0:4:+350]) {
    rotate([0,0,z]) translate([16,0,z/6+10]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cylinder(h=3, r=5);
    rotate([0,0,-z+180]) translate([16,0,z/6+10]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cylinder(h=3, r=5);

translate([0,0,-40]) for(z=[-180:6:0]) {
    rotate([0,0,z]) translate([16,0,0]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cylinder(h=3, r=5);
    rotate([0,0,-z+180]) translate([16,0,0]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cylinder(h=3, r=5);

translate([0,0,-50]) for(z=[350:6:+420]) {
    rotate([0,0,z]) translate([16,0,350/6+10]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cylinder(h=3, r=5);
    rotate([0,0,-z+180]) translate([16,0,350/6+10]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cylinder(h=3, r=5);

OpenSCAD drawing of staff

The print came out well with minimal supports and we were happy with the design. The final project looked great.

Final image of the staff with Crystal

To get everything to stick together we used Surgu Moldable glue. We were very happy with the final product.

Final image of the staff in costume
