Monitoring Job overutilization

Thu 28 April 2011 by Dr. Dirk Colbry

Blog post edited by Anonymous - "Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin"

This week I was debugging some user code that was over-utilizing a compute node. The job was intended to use only 1 cpu but one of the job's libraries ended up using all the cpus on the node. I needing to run a lot of tests to see what exactly was causing the problem. Since I didn't want my tests to over-utilize the nodes (too much), I wrote the following job script that will run a monitor and kill the job if it goes to high over the cpu utilization:


    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=168:00:00,mem=2gb,feature=gbe
    #PBS -j oe

    #Change to current working directory
    cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}

    #Copy the entire testing directory into its own folder
    mkdir -p ${PBS_JOBID}
    cp -r ./testdir/* ./${PBS_JOBID}
    cd ${PBS_JOBID}

    #Make the name of the executable unique so that more than one test can run on the same node
    export name=`echo "ex+${PBS_JOBID}" | cut -d "." -f 1`
    ln -s testprogram ${name}

    #run the testprogram using the new name (including input arguments)
    ./${name} 2.5 -15 -7.5 &
    export PID=$!

    #Wait for job to get going
    sleep 60

    # Start job monitor
    export per="0"
         #Ensure job does not go over the 120% limit
         while [ "$per" -lt "120" ]
            #pause between checking
        sleep 22
            #Run top in batch mode but with only one iteration
            # Pick out job with the unique executable name and grab the CPU utilization (9th item)
        export per=`top -b -n 1 -u ${USER} | grep ${name} | awk {'print $9'}`
        echo "per=$per"
         kill $PID
         echo "Killed $PID"
   ) &

    #Wait for job to complete
    wait $PID

    #Kill off wait command if it is still running
    kill $wpid

    #Display all the stats for the job
    qstat -f ${PBS_JOBID}

Blogpost migrated from ICER Wiki using custom python script. Comment on errors below.
