Movie Color Visualization
Mon 04 February 2013 by Dr. Dirk ColbryBlog post edited by Anonymous - "Migrated to Confluence 4.0"
As part of my work with the Campus Champion Fellowship I have been asked to look into methods for displaying color for an entire movie similar to the following:
I tried installing the ColourSpectrograms java software but had some trouble. So, I tried implimenting an algorithm myself. The following are my results so far:
Average Image|HSV Video Colormap|Average Bar|Link to video
|Video Tutorial -
|Video Tutorial - HPCCUSB
|No video available on-line
Currently the algorithm is very slow and written in Python. The colors are based on the HSV colorspace which can be visually understood using the following image:
Note: Image obtained from use the V (value) channel to determine if a color is black then I use the H
(Hue) channel to histogram the remaining colors for each image and display the
histogram linerally by color. I think this is working but it doesn't really
show the variations in color that you see with the MovieBarCode. Most notably
is that since I do not use the S (saturation) channel there is no white or
offwhite colors in the graph. I think this is a good start but will have to
talk though the best way to proceed with the rest of the team.
- Dirk
Blogpost migrated from ICER Wiki using custom python script. Comment on errors below.